how to write more emails to massage clients

Do you dream of emailing newsletters to clients, and then draw a blank on what to say?

Keep reading for valuable tips & guidance on crafting marvelous client communication emails.

Focus on 3 main topics

People are busy, task saturated, and honestly…probably reading your emails at stoplights. Keeping things concise helps hold their attention span, and I'm a fan of odd numbers. Plan to work from a core (3) topics, which will allow room for time sensitive additions like promotions & changes. Here are the ones I like to use:

It’s a process

Trying to think of ideas, write out the content, find photos, edit, and knowing when to send can be overwhelming. Breaking up the tasks & spreading it out makes it is easier to get to the finish line. 

Here is my typical process for completing newsletter emails. 

Overwhelmed? Simplify.

Still feeling overwhelmed, even with these tips? It's your newsletter and it can be anything you choose it to be. You don't need to force yourself into a mold, or use my 3-topic formula. Pick ONE thing that resonates with your practice & typical client and send that 1-2x a month. Maybe it's a stretch, a product, a blog, or a meditation…just pick one thing & commit to sending an email about it. 2 stretches every month. 1 new guided meditation. 2 facts about you & your practice. 


👉Don't forget to include your upcoming availability & a quick link or button to book! 

Again, people are busy. They forget. Make it easy to schedule an appointment with you. They can book when they read your email at 5:00am while on the treadmill, or quickly while standing in line at the store. 

I always get a handful of appointments when I remind clients that getting a massage is a good idea. 


No shows + enforcing your policy


Responding to criticism