
Can’t find what you need?

Have an idea for a template or resource you’d like to see available here?

I’d love to hear about it - and if I decide to write it up, I’ll send it to you for free!


  • I've done 99% of the work for you! There are parts that I've highlighted for you to fill in, like "add booking link here" or "name of your business." And there are some templates that prompt you to chose pre-written sections based on your practice.

  • Google docs. You'll receive a link to make a copy - that way you have an editable version that is yours to use. I recommend editing within Google docs + copying your final draft into your email platform of choice.

  • I'd love to! This is a great option for something that feels really big to announce, or you simply don't have the time to write it yourself.

    Under resources you'll find "Done for you emails" where you can learn more about this.

    Or if you have an idea for an email or script - scroll up + share your thoughts, I'd love to hear them!

  • Unfortunately, this is a parameter set by the platform I can't get around. But if I ever become a Zillionaire, you'll be on my list to receive a gift basket of stickers + cookies!